Welcome to the web site of Bedworth Folk Club.

General Information

The Club, which has run almost continuously since the early seventies, meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month with a guest act each month (8pm start) at Bedworrth Ex-Servicemens Club, Rye Piece, Bedworth, (CV12 8JN), and also holds a second night (an acoustic/singers night) most months on the 4th Wednesday, except June - August (also 8pm start) at the same venue. The Folk Club is quite unique in that there is no admission charge despite the fact that there are top rate guests at almost every meeting we just pass the jug around so you can donate as much as you wish (Bank Notes only please! ) a minimum of the price of a couple of pints (at least £5), per person, is suggested, where else could you see such great acts at that cost, we are also always very grateful for raffle prize donations. All monies donated goes to the evenings guest act – our aim is always for everyone, guests, audience and floor singers alike to have a really good time. At present we have only the residents and a pre-booked support/showcase act on Guest Nights, but Floor singers are always welcome on Acoustic/Singers Nights but we get very busy so we recommend a call or email to check if you can reserve a spot, on the night it is very much first come first served – then only if there is space available.

Covid Update - The club is now fully re-opened - everyone is very welcome, but please think of others if you have covid symptoms or a positive test result and stay away - Thank You.

Our next three dates are:

(Wednesday) 26th February 2025 at Bedworth Ex-Servicemens Club
Acoustic Folk Night

Hosted by Malc Gurnham and Gill Gilsenan
Floor Singers very welcome
(Wednesday) 12th March 2025 at Bedworth Ex-servicemens Club
The Redhills

Support - Liz Wall

(Wednesday) 26th March 2025 at Bedworth Ex-Servicemens Club
Acoustic Folk Night

Hosted by Malc Gurnham and Gill Gilsenan
Floor Singers very welcome
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